Military Outpost Survey

Thursday, 9 March, 2017
Take the one question survey Freedom Vehicles is currently planning activities for the 2017 Freedom Vehicles Military Outpost at SCERA Park in Orem and we need some input from you about what activities to do. Up for debate are two different activities in addition to those we have done in the past. Activity Option 1: Onsite Armored Vehicle Restoration An onsite vehicle restoration would be an activity for patrons to view while it happens both in person and streamed live online. Over the course of the 4-5 days in the park we would completely restore a vehicle. Our current plan is to restore a 1944 M2A1 Half Track. This motor pool restoration would include getting the vehicle running, paint, and assemble. By the end of the restoration (July 4th), it would be able to drive and we would take it through the Freedom Festival parade in Provo. All work that is not capable of being done in the park would be completed prior to the event
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Our Current 1944 Half Track

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Our Future Half Track

Activity Option 2: Military Boot Camp for Kids
Boot Camp would be a very interactive and educational opportunity for all. Participants would sign up in advance, and then throughout the boot camp they would learn how to toss a grenade, shoot a gun, march in formation, get dog tags, etc. All boot camp graduates would then participate in a full scale skirmish in our reenactment battlefield.
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2016 Boot camp

Both activities have great potential which is why we are having a difficult time deciding which to do. One of the factors is how many volunteers are needed to implement either of these activities. Without enough volunteers neither activity will be effective. Once you vote for your favorite activity, fill in your information if you would like to learn to be a drill sergeant, helper or a vehicle builder. Anyone can volunteer. Volunteers have the most fun and the most memorable experiences; so come and volunteer. Volunteers will receive free dog tags, a T-shirt, a ride in a “Freedom Vehicle” of their choice, and a free simulated machine gun shoot. Please give your input and help us to make the 2017 Freedom Vehicles Military Outpost a great event. Take the one question survey